Some of us tend to want to show our boyfriends off on social media. We want the world to share in our love story and all. But there are things about your relationship you shouldn’t post on social media. Providing personal details about your relationship can destroy it faster than almost any other issue.
Here are 6 things about your relationship you shouldn’t post on social media
1. Sex and its relations
Posting intimate details about your relationship shows poor judgement on your part. It tells people and tells your partner you don’t have boundaries and can’t be trusted.
2. Personal things about your partner
While it might be cute that he loves watching romance and looks so vulnerable when he sleeps. He probably works with people who respect him and do not need to see his soft, vulnerable side.
3. Social media PDA
No one is saying you shouldn’t kiss your partner in public and say thank you and all. But posting videos of you guys kissing and being very lovey really isn’t necessary. Be sensitive to the fact that there are single people online too.
4. Expensive presents and such
It’s amazing that you have a boyfriend that loves you and can afford to buy you nice things, we don’t need to know. It feels braggy and just makes your friends feel bad if their partners can’t afford the same luxuries. Be sensitive!
5. Your fights
You’ll either show people how shallow you are and how much you don’t value privacy or make them think your partner is a mean person. The same mean person you’ll go back to when you reconcile. Don’t let people make lasting impressions over temporary issues.
6. Don’t romanticize
Posting pictures of all the good times and always looking perfectly in love is a very bad idea. You’ll give people the impression of a perfect life and then you’ll find it difficult to leave the relationship when it’s no longer healthy.
Now that you know what not to post on social media. This is how to be a better girlfriend in real life and build a happy relationship.