You dont need someone who doesn't need you

It's time to be a little selfish and do what's best for you.

Love is a really hard thing.

It has its up’s and it has its downs and sometimes you just need to do what is right for you. You have to stop thinking about what is best for everyone else and do what is best for you. This is a time where it is okay to be selfish. Do what makes you feel good and do what you want to do. This is your time to explore your newfound freedom and get over that guy who didn’t realize what he had.

This is your time and your time to rediscover yourself. Getting your heart broken is a terrible feeling, but you can grow from it.

You can take a step back for a second and evaluate the good and the bad of that past relationship. You can see what everyone else saw that you refused to believe. You can see that you can do so much better and owe it to yourself to not settle for less. That boy doesn’t deserve you, and you sure as hell shouldn’t be waiting around for him to come back to you. If he didn’t care to see you go, there probably won't be anything that's different the next time.

It’s time to do what is best for you and move on from that boy that didn’t deserve you. The saying “You don’t need someone who doesn’t need you” is 100% true.

Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t value you? Or respect you? Or think you are the greatest thing that has ever walked this Earth? You don’t.

You deserve to be with someone who thinks that you are the best thing since donuts and will be there for you through the good and the bad. You don’t need someone who is going to run away at the first sign of a rough patch or someone who will give up on something so great just because they got scared and didn’t value you. If they can throw something so great away, ask yourself why you should be putting up with that. The answer is you shouldn't because you are so much more than that. You have way more to offer than he does and it's his loss babe, not yours.

So, take this advice as you will, but you deserve more than the boy who picks partying over you. You deserve to be selfish and spend the time doing what’s best for you after spending so much time trying to make him happy. You deserve to be the best you that you can possibly be, on your own. You deserve to be happy and nothing less.

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