20 Questions Every Couple Needs To Answer To Improve Their Relationship

questions every couple needs to answer
Yes you’ve been a couple for the longest time and you might know his deepest secrets but do really know your partner? Even if you think you do, there are still questions every couple needs to answer, and you should too.
Beyond looking cute together, serious relationships requires a certain level of connection to ensure it last. The phrase “you get me” needs to be the foundation of any relationship because being in sync gives both of you something to thrive on.
So we’ve come up with some questions to help you and your partner really dig deep down and discover each other from a new perspective.
So change into some comfy clothes together, pull out the snacks and start working on these questions every couple needs to answer:
 Questions To Ask your partner
(Photo: Yours Truly Portraiture)
Questions To Ask Each Other
  • What attracted you to me and what was your first impression of me?
  • Are you happy with where we are now and with the level intimacy we share or can we make it better?
  • How are your feelings towards me now compared to when we started dating? Anything changed for good or bad?
  • What is the most romantic memory you have of us as a couple?
  • How do we affect each other positively?
  • What are some prominent things that have happened in your past that you think have contributed greatly to who you are today?
20 Questions Every Couple Needs To Answer To Deepen The Relationship
(Photo: Empowher)
  • What are your core values?
  • Are you comfortable spending time with my friends and family?
  • How much do you think I understand you?
  • Do you trust me?
  • How do you feel when others find me attractive?
  • Would you feel jealous if I hang out with a friend of the opposite sex?
Questions to ask yourself
  • Is it really necessary to know everything from your partner’s previous relationships?
  • Do you believe in staying with this partner for a very long time or even forever?
  • Are you keeping any secrets that you’re afraid of letting your partner know?
  • Do you think your partner’s friends and family like you?
  • Do you feel that your partner accepts the way you are?
  • Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner? Why?
  • Have you ever thought about breaking up with your partner and why?
  • Do you both connect as a couple?
That’s it! So go over this list of questions every couple needs to answer as many times as you need to so you can know if you’re on the same page or not. 

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