How to Stay Winning After Rejection

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It can be heartbreaking when rejection seems to trail your every move in your attempt to advance your career. Almost like the entire world is conspiring against you. Dealing with rejection can be tough, but it does get better.
Here’s how you can deal with rejection and come out like a boss lady:
Acknowledge the hurt and refuse to take rejection personally
You may have applied for a whole bunch of jobs, written assessment tests and attended interviewswithout getting any positive feedback. Yes, it can hurt so bad, but don’t take it personally. Life doesn’t hate you and the interviewers don’t have a vendetta against you,  it just means you have to try harder. Don’t lower your expectations.
stay calm
Take rejection as an opportunity to improve yourself
See all the times you’ve been rejected as an opportunity to improve on yourself. It really can be disheartening, but use the opportunity to ensure your resume is airtight, take the chance to polish your public speaking and generally learn more about the industry you’re hoping to break into. Ask for constructive criticism from mentors and apply the advice with a vengeance.
Dust yourself off and try again
Sounds odd, right? Remember that aunt/uncle/cousin of yours? The one that advised you stick your finger into the candle to find out if it was hot? You were just a toddler then, but your mind has not forgotten the message. Fire hurts. Fire means pain. Stay away from fire. And you still do.
It’s entirely normal. Our natural instinct as humans is to stay away from things that hurt us and cause us pain, so opening ourselves up to more opportunities to be rejected is not something we would usually do. Keep in mind that the more you explore opportunities (regardless of rejection), the higher the chances of you actually getting just the kind of results you want.

So don’t give up, think about people like Oprah, Ariana Huffington, Jay-Z, J.K Rowling, etc. They encountered rejection but didn’t give up. Think about them and try again.

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