Dating Tips: Learn 10 Online Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid

Online dating already has some bad reputation. There is a lot of scam and other freaking things.
If you want to succeed in it you should better avoid these communicational mistakes. A lot of guys are guilty of it:
1. “Hi! You are nice” is a bad start of the conversation
Try to figure out some other lines. Ask about something on her profile. Otherwise she would think you are a spammer, or a bot, or just a silly person.
2. Watch out your spelling
If you are not a schoolboy, spelling counts. Try to check it before sending. You should better check your grammar as well.
3. If she doesn’t respond – don’t bother her
Sometimes guys just don’t take the hint. If she’s messaged and nothing came of it, then a few weeks or months later he decided to send some other messages. Let her go. Nobody wants to be your creepy obsession.
4. Girls don’t owe you a reply
By the way, it works both ways. If you wrote a message it doesn’t mean she MUST reply. Try to be cool.
5. Delete pictures with any woman from your profile
Even if it was your granny or mom. If there are some women with you on pictures, you don’t look available. You should better get rid of such pictures.
6. Don’t be gross
Dating sites are not sites for a one night stand. There are plenty of those for smartphones and web. So just pretend that you are a polite person.
7. Cheer up
If you look sad on your pictures people are likely to believe that you are a depressed person. You should better pick some different photos.
8. Ask about her life
It is not your solo. Don’t just write on how awesome are you. Learn about her life too otherwise she would never want to meet your.
9. First date should not be too long
The best variant is to have a walk or to have a coffee together. You should better not plan something that lasts more than 1-2 hours. And it works both ways, ladies.
10. Movie is not the best idea for the first date
Going to the cinema seems to be cool. But on the first date you are supposed to know each other better. You should better go somewhere you can talk.

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