The Key to Relationships

The key in a relationship isn’t communication, isn’t trust, and it isn’t commitment.

It’s honesty.

Honesty builds the foundation for communication and trust. This in turn builds the foundation for commitment.

You cannot have good communication in a relationship if honesty isn’t there.

Same thing with trust. Trust comes with honesty. It builds on honesty.

No doubt, communication, trust and commitment are important, but they build on a base first.

Building a relationship when one partner isn’t honest, is building a house using sand instead of using brick. The house will inevitably collapse, and it can only grow so big before it begins to crumble.

Starting a relationship with someone on lies will lead to disaster. Gaps down the road, misunderstandings, lack of trust, deceit, frustration and pain.

You are setting it up for a bitter, messy ending from the start.

Whatever reason for lying, get your shit together and be honest with yourself and your partner before starting a relationship. Otherwise, you will end up hurting the other person, if not both of you.

Figure yourself out first. Don’t expect your partner to do that for you. It’s not realistic. It’s not healthy. And it will cause pressure on the relationship.

Be open and honest with yourself, your needs and what you can and cannot give. Be honest in your relationship from the start. It will save everyone time, unnecessary pain and heartbreak.

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