4 Things that Should't matter in a Relationship

Catch yourself being guilty of some of these.

Relationships in today's world can range from a few days to a few years, to an entire lifetime.

However, in order to make a relationship work for an entire lifetime, there has to be some sort of boundaries. A line that you don't step over, regardless of opinions. And I am a firm believer that love is love, and it doesn't matter who you fall in love with because as long as it's genuine, I will support it.

However, there are some boundaries, that no matter who you fall in love with, should not be crossed. You shouldn't love or leave someone for these four reasons:

1. Religion
Although most people that believe in a certain faith have a hard time feeling compatible with others of different faiths, this shouldn't make or break a relationship. Just because you're religious and your partner isn't, doesn't mean that you can't still love each other and live in harmony. Religion might be a big part of your life, and if it is, let your partner know. Understand that just because you're religious, doesn't mean that they are, and you should respect each other's boundaries on religion. Because who cares if you disagree? It shouldn't make you love or hate someone.

2. Age
While this is a controversial topic in modern-day media, I firmly believe that age shouldn't be a factor in choosing a mate. Granted, I don't always see why some people choose someone 30 years older than they are, however I believe that you don't fall in love with someone for their age, you fall in love with their personality, their morals, and their actions. Regardless if you're two years apart or twenty, love is love. And although you might get a few dirty looks on the streets, what does it matter? Because you're living a happy life with the person you love.

3. Politics
This, for me at least, is the most important on this list. I have seen relationships form and relationships crash from agreement and disagreement towards politics. While I believe it is important to share your viewpoint with your partner, I do not believe that you should force your beliefs upon them, and I do not believe that you should love or hate someone, simply because they voted for the opposite candidate. People are entitled to their opinions, and if you and your partner know that you disagree, just agree to disagree and move on. You don't have to abstain from debating about politics, just set a boundary. Know that if your partner wants to change his or her viewpoint, they will do it on their own time.

4. Ethnicity
While I don't particularly have experience with this problem, I know many people do. There are people that are afraid or scared to love someone, simply because of where they come from, or what color their skin is. And although I know appearance often plays a role in attraction, I don't believe that you should wave someone off just because they have a different skin color. And while you're off trying to find the man or woman of your dreams that's the same ethnicity, the interracial couple next to you is living their dream, alongside the love of their life.

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